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Traveling and Standing Waves

We’ve been discussing sound waves as traveling waves. Let’s see how we can move from plotting static waves to traveling waves. We’ll then add two identical traveling waves that travel in opposite directions to see the origin of standing waves. Standing waves, of course, depend on boundary conditions. Finally, we’ll assume a collection of harmonic standing waves occur in a confined region of space and see how they combine.

1Animating a Plot with Matplotlib

Matplotlib has a library in matplotlib.animation called FuncAnimation. It allows one to animate a the plotting on a graph. What we want to do is plot arrays point-by-point and plot arrays as a function of time. This library has the capability to act like an oscilloscope too.

1.1First import some good stuff

%matplotlib inline
# Enable interactive plot
%matplotlib notebook
%matplotlib notebook

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 5)

2Static plotting

Here is a typical static plot using matplotlib.pyplot. We can add decorations like axis labels and gridlines as shown below. We first need to define an array of x and y values using numpy. Numbers like π can be had from numpy using np.pi, and function using np.sin. Trigonometric functions require radian units. Below, we plot

y=sin(kx)y = \sin\left(kx\right)
#create a list of x values from xi=0 to xf=4 pi with npts=200 points.
xi = 0
xf = 4*np.pi
npts = 200
x = np.linspace(xi, xf, npts)
y = np.sin(x)

plt.plot(x, y)

3Point-by-Point Animated Plotting

Here is an example of plotting arrays point-by-point using the x and y we defined in the previous example.This works by copying portions of the x and y array. Below, FuncAnimate will run the function animate 200 times (the number of points in our arrays). Each time it runs, it creates a frame number starting at 0 and going to 199. This frame number is used to copy x and y values from the beginning up to the frame number. The first iteration, it copies the first points. The second iteration, it copies the first two points. Each time, it graphs the subset of points. Since the subset grows by one point each iteration, it plots one more point each iteration. This gives the appearance of the function growing across the graph in an animated way. You can change the rate by altering interval. You can make it repeat by changing it to repeat=True. I recommend returning it to False and running it before moving on to the next activity. Otherwise, your computer will slow down from trying to continue running this animation.

We are still plotting

y=sin(kx)y = \sin\left(kx\right)

We are plotting it one (more) point at a time.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

line, = ax.plot([],'-o')

ax.set_xlim(0, 4*np.pi)
ax.set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1)
#ax.plot(x, y, '-b')

def animate(frame_num):
    xx = x[0:frame_num]
    yy = y[0:frame_num]
    line.set_data((xx, yy))
    return line

anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=npts, interval=100, repeat=False)

4Oscilloscope Mode Animation

We can also plot a function and have it move through time as if we were measuring the wave as it passes us. This works by creating a function with a time-dependent phase shift ωt\omega t. The function we are plotting now is

y(x,t)=sin(kx±ωt)y\left(x, t\right) = \sin\left(kx \pm \omega t\right)

For our example, k=1k=1. What does this make λ? We are also using ω=2π\omega = 2\pi. The time-dependence is handled in a similar manner as the point-by-point plotting above. In this case, we plot the entire function at a particular time tt, starting from t=0t=0 because the first frame_num is zero. The next iteration of FuncAnimate adds a small Δt\Delta t using the frame number and the total number of frames.

Δt=framenpts\Delta t = \frac{frame}{npts}

This shifts the wave left or right depending on the chosen ±. Run the animation below. Then, change the ± to verify the wave travels in the direction you expect. You can uncomment the line ax.plot(x, np.sin(x)) if you want to see the t=0t=0 reference.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

line, = ax.plot([])

ax.set_xlim(0, 4*np.pi)
ax.set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1)
#ax.plot(x, np.sin(x)) #wave at t=0

def animate2(frame_num):
    y = np.sin(x + 2*np.pi * frame_num/npts)
    return line

anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate2, frames=npts+1, interval=5, repeat=False)
plt.xlabel('x (m)')
plt.ylabel('y (m)')

4.1Standing Wave

If we create two waves of the same wavelength traveling in opposite directions, we will see that they add together to create a standing wave. In the code below, use the animate function above as a guide

  • Fill in the math of creating a wave traveling to the right and then adding a wave traveling to the left.
  • What happens when the ω of one traveling wave is different than the other?
  • What happens when the kk of one traveling wave is different than the other?
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

line, = ax.plot([])

ax.set_xlim(0, 4*np.pi)
ax.set_ylim(-2.1, 2.1)
#ax.plot(x, np.sin(x))

def animate3(frame_num):
    y = np.sin(25*x - 2*np.pi * frame_num/npts)
    y += np.sin(26*x +  2*np.pi * frame_num/npts)
    return line

anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate3, frames=npts+1, interval=5, repeat=False)
plt.xlabel('x (m)')
plt.ylabel('y (m)')

5Multi-Mode Standing Wave

We can look at the addition of harmonics. For example, let’s assume that when we pluck a guitar string (two fixed ends) all of the harmonic standing waves have equal amplitude. Then, we can sum harmonics up and see the combined wave shape. Let’s set the fundamental wave k=1/2k = 1/2 such that λ=4π\lambda = 4\pi.

Fundamental Wave:

y=sinx2y = \sin \frac{x}{2}

First Harmonic:

y=sinxy = \sin x

Second Harmonic:

y=sin3x2y = \sin \frac{3x}{2}

How can we program this in a for loop so the index of the for loop changes the wavelength?

y = np.zeros(len(x))
for i in range(0,4):
    y += np.sin(i*x)#add the current function to the total
    plt.plot(x,np.sin(i*x))#insert the current function for plotting
plt.plot(x, y, '-k', label='sum')
plt.xlabel('x (m)')
plt.ylabel('y (m)')
plt.axhline(y=0.0, color='k', linestyle='-')