In this chapter, we take a detailed look at Gauss’ law applied in the context of the electric field. We have already encountered Gauss’ law briefly in Section \ref{sec:gravity:gauss} when we examined the gravitational field. Since the electric force is mathematically identical to the gravitational force, we can apply the same tools, including Gauss’ law, to model the electric field as we do the gravitational field. Many of the results from this chapter are thus equally applicable to the gravitational force.
Gauss’ law makes use of the concept of “flux”. Flux is always defined based on:
A surface.
A vector field (e.g. the electric field).
and can be thought of as a measure of the number of field lines from the vector field that cross the given surface. For that reason, one usually refers to the “flux of the electric field through a surface”. This is illustrated in Figure 1 for a uniform horizontal electric field, and a flat surface, whose normal vector, A, is shown. If the surface is perpendicular to the field (left panel), so that the field vector is parallel to A, then the flux through that surface is maximal. If the surface is parallel to the field (right panel), then no field lines cross that surface, and the flux through that surface is zero. If the surface is rotated with respect to the electric field, as in the middle panel, then the flux through the surface is between zero and the maximal value.
The vector A is used to represent the surface. It is defined so that the magnitude of A is equal to the area of the surface and the direction of A is perpendicular to the surface, as illustrated in Figure 1. We define the flux, ΦE, of the electric field, E, through the surface represented by vector A as:
since this will have the same properties that we described above (e.g. the flux is zero when E and A are perpendicular, and the flux is proportional to number of field lines crossing the surface). Note that, because we only require that A is perpendicular to the surface, there are two possible choices for the direction of A. As a result, the flux could be either positive or negative. By convention, we usually choose A so that the flux is positive.
So far, we have considered the flux of a uniform electric field, E, through a surface, S, described by a vector, A. In this case, the flux, ΦE, is given by:
However, if the electric field is not constant in magnitude and/or in direction over the entire surface, then we divide the surface, S, into many infinitesimal surfaces, dS, and sum together (integrate) the fluxes from those infinitesimal surfaces:
where, dA, is the normal vector for the infinitesimal surface, dS. This is illustrated in Figure 2, which shows, in the left panel, a surface for which the electric field changes magnitude along the surface (as the field lines are closer in the lower left part of the surface), and, in the right panel, a scenario in which the direction and magnitude of the electric field vary along the surface.
In order to calculate the flux through the total surface, we first calculate the flux through an infinitesimal surface, dS, over which we assume that E is constant in magnitude and direction, and then, we sum (integrate) the fluxes from all of the infinitesimal surfaces together. Remember, the flux through a surface is related to the number of field lines that cross that surface; it thus makes sense to count the lines crossing an infinitesimal surface, dS, and then adding those together over all the infinitesimals surfaces to determine the flux through the total surface, S.
One can distinguish between a “closed” surface and an “open” surface. A surface is closed if it completely defines a volume that could, for example, be filled with a liquid. A closed surface has a clear “inside” and an “outside”. For example, the surface of a sphere, of a cube, or of a cylinder are all examples of closed surfaces. A plane, a triangle, and a disk are, on the other hand, examples of “open surfaces”.
For a closed surface, one can unambiguously define the direction of the vector A (or dA) as the direction that it is perpendicular to the surface and points towards the outside. Thus, the sign of the flux out of a closed surface is meaningful. The flux will be positive if there is a net number of field lines exiting the volume defined by the surface (since E and A will be parallel on average) and the flux will be negative if there is a net number of field lines entering the volume (as E and A will be anti-parallel on average). The flux through a closed surface is thus zero if the number of field lines that enter the surface is the same as the number of field lines that exit the surface. When calculating the flux over a closed surface, we use a different integration symbol to show that the surface is closed:
which is the same integration symbol that we used for indicating a path integral when the initial and final points are the same (see, for example, Section 8.2).
In particular, note that Gauss’ law holds true for any closed surface, and the shape of that surface is not specified in Gauss’ law. That is, we can always choose the surface to use when calculating the flux. For obvious reasons, we often call the surface that we choose a “Gaussian surface”. But again, this surface is simply a mathematical tool, there is no actual property that makes a surface “Gaussian”; it simply means that we chose that surface in order to apply Gauss’ law. In Example 16.3 above, we confirmed that Gauss’ law is compatible with Coulomb’s Law for the case of a point charge and a spherical Gaussian surface.
Physically, Gauss’ law is a statement that field lines must begin or end on a charge (electric field lines originate on positive charges and terminate on negative charges). Recall, flux is a measure of the net number of lines coming out of a surface. If there is a net number of lines coming out of a closed surface (a positive flux), that surface must enclose a positive charge from where those field lines originate. Similarly, if there are the same number of field lines entering a closed surface as there are lines exiting that surface (a flux of zero), then the surface encloses no charge. Gauss’ law simply states that the number of field lines exiting a closed surface is proportional to the amount of charge enclosed by that surface.
Primarily, Gauss’ law is a useful tool to determine the magnitude of the electric field from a given charge, or charge distribution. We usually have to use symmetry to determine the direction of the electric field vector. In general, the integral for the flux is difficult to evaluate, and Gauss’ law can only be used analytically in cases with a high degree of symmetry. Specifically, the integral for the flux is easiest to evaluate if:
The electric field makes a constant angle with the surface. When this is the case, the scalar product can be written in terms of the cosine of the angle between E and dA, which can be taken out of the integral if it is constant:
Ideally, one has chosen a surface such that this angle is 0 or 180°.
The electric field is constant in magnitude along the surface. When this is the case, the integral can be simplified further by factoring out E and simply becomes an integral over dA (which corresponds to the total area of the surface, A):
Ultimately, the points above should dictate the choice of Gaussian surface so that the integral for the flux is easy to evaluate. The choice of surface will depend on the symmetry of the problem. For a point (or spherical) charge, a spherical Gaussian surface allows the flux to easily be calculated (Example 16.3). For a line of charge, as we will see, a cylindrical surface results is a good choice for the Gaussian surface. Broadly, the steps for applying Gauss’ law to determine the electric field are as follows:
Make a diagram showing the charge distribution.
Use symmetry arguments to determine in which way the electric field vector points.
Choose a Gaussian surface that goes through the point for which you want to know the electric field. Ideally, the surface is such that the electric field is constant in magnitude and always makes the same angle with the surface, so that the flux integral is straightforward to evaluate.
Calculate the flux, ∮E⋅dA.
Calculate the amount of charge located within the volume enclosed by the surface, Qenc.
We can use Gauss’ law to understand how charges arrange themselves on a conductor. Consider an infinite plane that carries a total charge per unit area, σ, similar to what we considered in Example 16.6. In this case, we explicitly consider the plane to be a conductor and to have a finite thickness. If we zoom into the plane, we can illustrate that the charges are located on the surface of the plane, as illustrated in Figure 20, where the plane is seen edge on. Thus, the charge density at the surface is half of the total charge density of the plane.
To determine the electric field near the plane, we choose a Gaussian surface that is a box (as in Example 16.6), but require the lower end of the box to go through the plane, as illustrated in Example 16.6. With this choice of Gaussian surface, only the top surface (area a2) will have flux through it, since the electric field inside a conductor must be zero[42]. The total flux is given by:
where we used the fact that only half of the charges are inside the volume enclosed by our Gaussian surface, so that the charge per unit area is half (2σ) of that for the entire plane. Applying Gauss’ law, we find that the electric field is given by:
∮E⋅dAEa2∴E=ϵ0Qenc=2ϵ0σa2=2ϵ0σ(Field above an infinite plane)
as in Example 16.6, but now the factor of two comes from having half of the charge density, whereas before it was because two of the faces of the box had non-zero flux. We can generalize this result to determine the electric field near the surface of any conductor. Very close to the surface of any object, one can consider the surface as being similar to an infinite plane. If that surface carries charge per unit area, σ, then the electric field just above the surface is given by:
In this case, there is no factor of two because the charge density in this equation is the charge density of the conductor (not the charge density one side of the surface). In the previous equation, the charge density on the surface of the conducing plane was 2σ.
Consider, now, a neutral spherical conducting shell, as shown from the side in the left panel of Figure 21. When a charge, +Q, is placed at the centre of the shell (right panel), charges inside the shell will move until the field inside the conducting material of the shell is identically zero. The negative charges will move towards the inner surface (as they are attracted to +Q) and positive charges will be repelled onto the outer surface, under the influence of the electric field created by +Q (shown in the diagram as EQ). Eventually, the separation of charges will lead to an electric field (shown in the diagram as Eσ) in the opposite direction. The charges will stop moving once the total electric field in the conductor is zero (when the two fields cancel exactly everywhere in the conductor).
We can use Gauss’ law to determine the amount of charge that has accumulated on the inner surface. Consider the Gaussian spherical surface, S1, in Figure 21, that is concentric with the shell and has a radius such that the surface is just inside the shell. Since the electric field is zero inside the shell, the flux out of the Gaussian surface must be zero. By Gauss’ law, the amount of charge enclosed by the surface must also be zero. Thus, a total charge, −Q, will have accumulated on the inner surface of the conductor (since Qenc=−Q+Q=0). Because one cannot just create charge from nothing, there must be an equal amount of opposite charge, +Q, on the outer surface of the shell. This is true of any conducting material with a cavity inside of it: if you place a charge +Q in the cavity, a charge −Q will accumulated on the inner surface and a charge +Q will accumulate on the outer surface.
Now consider the flux out of the surface S2, which is outside of the shell. The net charge enclosed will be Qenc=+Q−Q+Q=+Q. If we say that the radius of S2 is r, then the flux out of the spherical surface is given by:
Note that we found the electric field using Gauss’ law only in this last case, and found it to be equal to the electric field that one obtains from Coulomb’s law. Thus, Gauss’ law only works if the field has an “inverse square law” dependence. If Gauss’ law does not provide the correct electric field, then the force does not depend on 1/r2. Gauss’ law can be used to make extremely stringent tests of whether the force goes as 1/r2 or deviates from this model.
16.5Interpretation of Gauss’ law and vector calculus¶
In this section, we provide a little more theoretical background and intuition on Gauss’ law, as well as its connection to vector calculus (which is beyond the scope of this textbook, but interesting to have a feeling for). Very generally, Gauss’ law is a statement that connects a property of a vector field to the “source” of that field. We think of mass as the source for the gravitational field, and we think of charge as the source for the electric field. The property of the field that we considered in this case was its “flux out of a closed surface”.
Recall that determining the flux of a field out of a closed surface is equivalent to counting the net number of field lines that exit that closed surface. Field lines must start on a positive charge and must end on a negative charge. Thus, if there is a net number of field lines exiting the surface, there must be a positive charge in the volume defined by the surface (a “source” of field lines). If there is a net number of field lines entering the surface, then the volume defined by the surface must enclose a negative charge (a “sink” of field lines). Gauss’ law is simply a statement that the number of field lines entering/exiting a closed surface is proportional to the amount of charge enclosed in that volume.
The flux out of a closed surface is tightly connected to the vector calculus concept of “divergence”, which describes whether field lines are diverging (spreading out or getting closer together). When a point charge is present, field lines will emanate radially from that point charge; in other words, they will diverge. We say that the electric field has non-zero divergence if there is a source of the electric field in that position of space. The key difference between the concept of divergence and that of “flux out of a closed surface”, is that divergence is a local property of the field (it is true at a point), whereas the flux out of a surface must be calculated using a finite volume and makes it challenging to define the field at a specific position. Gauss’ law defined using flux is thus not as useful for describing how the field changes at specific positions, and is usually limited to situations with a high degree of symmetry.
The divergence, ∇⋅E, of a vector field, E, at some position is defined as:
and corresponds to the sum of three partial derivatives evaluated at that position in space. Gauss’ theorem (also called the divergence theorem) states that:
where the subscript on the integral indicates whether the sum (integral) should be carried out over a volume, V, or over a closed surface, S, as we have practised in this chapter. While it is not important at this level to understand the theorem in detail, the point is that one can convert a “flux over a closed surface” into an integral of the divergence of the field. In other words, we can convert a global property (flux) to a local property (divergence). Gauss’ law in terms of divergence can be written as:
where ρ is the charge per unit volume at a specific position in space. This is the version of Gauss’ law that is usually seen in advanced textbooks and in Maxwell’s unified theory of electromagnetism. This version of Gauss’ law relates a local property of the field (its divergence) to a local property of charge at that position in space (the charge per unit volume at that position in space). If we integrate both sides of the equation over volume, we recover the original formulation of Gauss’ law: the left hand side, by the divergence theorem, leads to flux when integrated over volume, whereas on the right hand side, the integral over volume of charge per unit volume, ρ, will give the total charge enclosed in that volume, Qenc:
where A is a vector that is perpendicular to the surface with a magnitude equal to the area of that surface, and, θ, is the angle between A and E.
The flux of a field through a surface is proportional to the number of field lines that cross that surface. If the surface is parallel to the field (A and E are thus perpendicular), the flux through that surface is zero (no field lines cross the surface, the scalar product is zero). If E and A change over the surface (E and/or A change magnitude and/or direction relative to each other along the surface), then we treat the surface as being made of infinitesimal surface elements over which the two vectors are constant. We define a vector dA to be perpendicular to the surface element with an infinitesimal area, dA. The total flux is then obtained by summing the fluxes through each surface element:
Note that the direction of the vector dA (or A) is ambiguous, as one can choose either of two directions perpendicular to a surface. Usually, one chooses the direction of A so that the flux is positive (i.e. A has a component parallel to E). However, if the surface is “closed” (that is, it defines a volume), then we always choose the direction of dA so that it points outwards from the surface (since the surface encloses a volume, one can define an “inside” and an “outside”).
In the case of the electric field, Gauss’ law relates the flux of the electric field from a closed surface to the amount of charge, Qenc, contained in the volume enclosed by that surface:
Physically, Gauss’ law is a statement that field lines must begin or end on a charge (electric field lines originate on positive charges and terminate on negative charges). If there is a net number of lines coming out of a closed surface (a positive flux), that surface must enclose a positive charge from where those field lines originate. Similarly, if there are the same number of field lines entering a closed surface as there are lines exiting that surface (a flux of zero), then the surface encloses no charge. Gauss’ law states that the number of field lines exiting a closed surface is proportional to the amount of charge enclosed by that surface.
Gauss’ law is useful to determine the electric field. However, this can only be done analytically for charge distributions with a very high degree of symmetry. This is because the flux integral is not usually easy to evaluate unless:
The electric field makes a constant angle with the surface. When this is the case, the scalar product can be written in terms of the cosine of the angle between E and dA, which can be taken out of the integral if it is constant:
The electric field is constant in magnitude along the surface. When this is the case, the integral can be simplified further by factor out E, and simply becomes an integral over dA (which corresponds to the total area of the surface, A):
Note that Gauss’ law does not specify a closed surface over which to calculate the flux; it holds for any surface. We can thus choose a surface that will make the flux integral easy to evaluate - we call this choice a “Gaussian surface” (not because it has some special property, but because we chose that surface to apply Gauss’ law). A procedure for applying Gauss’ law to determine the electric field at some point in space can be written as:
Make a diagram showing the charge distribution.
Use symmetry arguments to determine in which way the electric field vector points.
Choose a Gaussian surface that goes through the point for which you want to know the electric field. Ideally, the surface is such that the electric field is constant in magnitude and always makes the same angle with the surface, so that the flux integral is straightforward to evaluate.
Calculate the flux, ∮E⋅dA.
Calculate the amount of charge in the volume enclosed by the surface, Qenc.
Apply Gauss’ law, ∮E⋅dA=ϵ0Qenc.
We showed how Gauss’ law can be used to understand and quantify how charges arrange themselves on a conductor, in such a way that the electric field is zero everywhere in the conductor. Finally, we briefly introduced a more modern version of Gauss’ law that uses divergence instead of flux:
This last version has the advantage that it relates a local property of the field (divergence) to a local property of charge (charge density at some position in space).
a. In order to determine the total charge of the sphere, we divide the sphere into shells of radius r and infinitesimal thickness dr. The volume, dV, of a shell is given by its surface area multiplied by its thickness:
and we see that the electric field decreases as the radius squared. When we are outside of the sphere, it behaves the same way as a point charge with Q=(4/5)aπR5.
b. Inside the sphere, we still use a Gaussian spherical surface of radius r, so that the flux is given by:
However, inside the sphere, the Gaussian surface only encloses the charge up to a radius of r. Similarly to part (a), we can find the enclosed charge by integration:
and we find that the electric field is zero at the centre of the sphere and increases with r3 inside the sphere.
Solution 16.2
a. To find the surface charge density on the inner surface, we draw a cylindrical Gaussian surface, S1, whose cross-sectional radius is slightly larger than R, as in Figure 23. We know that the electric field inside of the (conducting) shell is zero, so that the flux out of S1 will be zero. By Gauss’ law, we find:
Since Qenc=0 and the wire has a constant charge per unit length λ, the charge per unit length on the inner surface of the shell must be −λ, so that the net charge charge per unit length is zero. The surface charge density, σin, is the linear charge density divided by the circumference of the cross section:
b. For the outer surface, we consider a Gaussian surface with a triangular cross section, S2. Note that the shape of the cross section is not important in this case (i.e. we could have used a cylindrical Gaussian surface), since we are only concerned with the enclosed charge and not the magnitude of the electric field.
The charge per unit length of the wire is λ and the charge per unit length of the conducting shell was given as −2λ. The enclosed charge per unit length is thus
We know from part (a) that the net charge per unit length of the wire and inner surface is 0, so the charge per unit length of the outer surface must be −λ. The average surface charge density, σout, is the linear charge density divided by the length of the three sides: